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Advice For Selling Your Property

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Make Sure It’s In The Best Condition

This is always a vital part in selling your property and one we cannot stress enough; ensure that your home looks decluttered yet homely, welcoming and encourages people to see themselves living there. We’ve spoken about this before on a pervious blog which you can see here. To summarise; it’s about making the little investments for the bigger results. Once people see that the house is loving and not “well-loved” it’ll be easier for prospective buyers to make an offer.

Get An Accurate Valuation

One of the potential biggest fallings for people looking to sell their property is starting with an inaccurate valuation. If done incorrectly the property is either going to be way too high; which sounds nice but buyers will avoid it if it’s sitting at a much higher price as everyone else, or it’ll be too low – sure it’ll make a quick sale but you don’t want to undersell yourself or your property! An accurate valuation will make everyone happy, Stuart and Neil both have years of local knowledge and have a great track record for valuating properties.

Make Sure Your Paperwork Is Right

There is nothing worse than getting everyone on the right page and then discovering you’ve forgotten to dot the ‘I’ or crossed the wring ‘t’. If it’s something you can get sorted early; it’s usually best as it enables the entire process to move along more smoothly. If you want any advice with your paperwork; Stuart and Neil are happy to give advice on it to help you on your way.

Getting The Right Buyer

Having the right buyer is usually an area people don’t really consider and look for quantity over quality. Well if you’re offering a high-quality property, you want it’s next owning to be of a good quality too. There are a number of areas to look at when you’ve got some buyers to look at; being the least likely to back-out of the deal, someone who is willing to move at the same pace as you, offering the right price and people experienced at the property buying and selling process.

Least Likely – if someone is passionate about having the property then they’re going to be the most committed to the sale.

Matching your pace – Are the buyers in a rush that you’re not or are they simply content with not being active about the process and therefore slowing things down.

Offering the right price – Naturally you’ll want as much money as possible for your property so make sure you’re not being forced into a price that you are not happy with.

Experienced buyers – These people are going to be those who aren’t buying for the first time or new to the area and market. They know what to do and when to do it.

Be Organised

You’ll need to be organised for the entire process of selling your home. It’s a bit obvious but you’d be surprised at how people are able to let their lives rush them off their feet and fail to keep up with the process. In order to avoid this yourself; keep communicating – make sure everyone is on the right page, agree to a timeline and schedule with plenty of time for adjustments should something cause an issue, be transparent on everyone your end – price, the property and exactly what you’re selling.

Selling Your Home With Open House

If you need help with the points mentioned above or indeed with the entire process of selling your home; give us a call on 01273 830987 or email us. Neil and Stuart are more than happy to discuss your property and what you can do to sell it.

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